Xamarin Forms Performance

Below values were made on real devices in Release mode.

App Init

Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init() function time

App Load

LoadApplication() function time

First Page Load

Time from app start (before Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init()) to first page load (OnAppearing())

Control - BoxView

Loading 200 BoxViews

Control - Label

Loading 200 Labels

Control - Button

Loading 200 Buttons

Control - Image

Loading 200 Images

Layout - StackLayout

Nested Stacklayouts

Layout - StackLayout

Nested StackLayouts in a grid like manner (layout similar to grid layouts from next tests)

Layout - Grid with * sizes

Nested Grid layouts with Columns and Rows as * only

Layout - Grid with Auto sizes

Nested Grid layouts with Columns and Rows as Auto only

Layout - Grid with constant sizes

Nested Grid layouts with Columns and Rows as constant sizes only

Control - ListView with TextCell

Loading ListView with TextCells and scrolling through 200 items

Control - ListView with ImageCell

Loading ListView with ImageCells and scrolling through 200 items

Control - ListView with EntryCell

Loading ListView with EntryCells and scrolling through 200 items

Control - ListView with SwitchCell

Loading ListView with SwitchCells and scrolling through 200 items

Control - ListView with simple ViewCell

Loading ListView with simple ViewCells and scrolling through 200 items

Control - ListView with complex ViewCell

Loading ListView with complex ViewCells and scrolling through 200 items